Mo - Curly Haired Tarantula
Mo is our appropriately named Curly Haired Tarantula that resides with us at the sanctuary. Most of the time she resides underground and only pops up to eat her next meal. That said, we can almost always show her off in her underground burrow.

Mo came to the sanctuary not much larger than a penny back in March of 2023 and has quickly grown much larger as he has lived with us. Now, at the size of your palm, he is a fun animal to show through the glass while he hides in his burrow waiting for his next meal.
Mo is affectionately named after Moe from the Three Stooges, because he is a Curly Haired Tarantula. (Get it? Curly, Larry and Moe? Instead it’s Curly, Hairy, and Mo!) These tarantulas are known for their hair that they will sometimes flick at predators and cause irritation to their skin.
As a whole, Mo serves as a great educational tarantula, and demonstrates her fossorial nature through her burrows. If you’re not someone who’s easily squeamish and you don’t mind our many legged friends, Mo is a great ambassador for you!