Blue Death Feigning Beetles
Our group of Blue Death Feigning Beetles often catch people off guard when they see they are allowed to handle them. The “Blue Death” part of their name often raises a few eyebrows when they see them, but after they learn that they actually are named Death Feigning Beetles because they play dead like opossums it eases their concerns.

While bugs aren’t many people's jam, these little guys are hard not to love, as they look like blueberries with legs. Coming to us back in August of 2022, these little guys are still chugging along, as their lifespan has been recorded at over 8 years old!
As a long lived insect, they make great pets, eating primarily vegetation and decaying matter in their environment. As beetles, the blue shelled bugs are only the final stage in their life cycle, after changing slowly from larvae.
If crawly bugs that are still cute and cuddly are your jam, these bugs would be great ambassadors for you! They are small but mighty, and do really well when interacting with the public!